Month: September 2005

Changing Man

I was thinking in the car on the way to work today how disjointed a lot of the phases of my life seem. When I think of what I was doing at 18 compared to at 23, and then again at 28, it hardly seems like it’s all been done by the same person. Today…


We’ve just had four massively loud claps of thunder. The roof vibrated so much I thought someone on the next floor up had dropped a printer or something (even though we’re in a single storey office). After the second conference-room-vibrating event we all went outside to see what was happening. Giant raindrops started falling out…


Despite having spent the best part of this year in California so far, I have never felt even the tiniest hint of an earthquake. UNTIL NOW! On Saturday night, just after midnight, the earth actually moved. We were at home playing Half Life in a darkened flat and we’d been killing dodgy looking monsters of…

Long Time No Post

Long Time No Post

Haven’t posted in over six weeks – shameful! So here’s the lowdown on what’s kept me so busy… The Yosemite trip has been temporarily postponed – work pressures at the time (specifically, the day we were due to drive there) meant we couldn’t get away for the whole weekend, so it’s back on the list…